

Do you know your material’s biogas potential?
Learn more about Metener’s reliable analysis options
Do you know your material’s biogas potential?
Ok, so you are interested in biogas or biomethane production and you have materials that you’re thinking about using but the question is, “Will it produce and how much is the output?” Perhaps other questions such as “Is biogas worth the investment?” or “Can the materials be re-used somehow?”
This is where Metener’s analysis service comes in!
Let us help you with these and other questions you may have.
Here at Metener, we not only provide the products, but also the ability to gain specific knowledge of the potential output from your materials. Whether it be wet or dry based material, we can provide analyses that are executed by our highly educated and experienced technicians, to determine the potential from your materials. This makes investments into our products much easier as you can make a more informed choice going forward into your production.
At Metener, we provide three (3) main analysis types. These are services that can be purchased and the outcome will provide you with practical information that can be invaluable for your decision making and planning before your main investment is made. Read below for more information about each analysis type.

Methane yield potential experiments
Methane yield potential experiments are typically intended for those who are considering investing in a biogas plant where the experiments aim to determine the methane yield from potential feedstock.
The benefits from performing this type of experiment are:
This process lasts approximately 30-60 days to when the final results are realized.
Parameters to be determined:

Process dimensioning experiments
Process dimensioning experiments are done for those who either already own a biogas plant or are more likely to implement a new biogas plant project where information regarding more precise parameters about the functionality of new feedstock material in anaerobic digestion is needed.
The benefits from performing this type of experiment are:
The process lasts approximately 30-60 days until the final results are done.
Parameters to be determined:

Biogas residual potential
Biogas residual potential is a test that is performed from the digestate of the biogas plant. The test is intended for a plant operator who would intend to use the digested material as a fertilizer or growing medium.
The benefit of this test is:
The test lasts approximately 30 days.