

Video: Metener biogas upgrading
What is biomethane?
In the simplest terms, biomethane is upgraded biogas. It is similar in nature to natural gas in that it can be a product that can be stored in cylinders or can be a pipeline suitable product. While biomethane shares similarities with natural gas, what makes biomethane special is that it is a renewable resource. It is cleaner option than fossil-based fuels as it is carbon dioxide neutral, which makes it much better for its extremely low impact on climate change. Biomethane is excellent in versatility as it can be used for fuelling (CNG) vehicles or transported via compressed natural gas or even to the natural gas grid.
What does biogas upgrading mean?
Biogas upgrading is the process of concentrating the existing methane in biogas through a separation of the contaminates and impurities within it, such as carbon dioxide and other gases. This purification process results in a production of concentrated biogas, otherwise known as biomethane or even renewable natural gas (RNG). The process is executed in a biogas upgrading unit, which is one of Metener’s core product technologies.
Metener upgrading units
Our BKP products are turnkey solutions for biogas upgrading. What makes our products different is that the BKP’s upgrading process is based on absoprtion of CO2 and H2S by water scrubbing. This process cleans raw biogas and upgrades it to biomethane, which can be used for vehicle fuel (CNG). The upgraded biomethane is then dried and odorized. The quality of the upgraded biogas is constantly controlled. Our products are offered in ranges between 10 –600 m3 of raw gas/h. Metener’s upgrading units are designed to be compact and are PLC controlled with options to include remote connections via phone or PC. Our products are the result of over 15 years of research and development as well as actual operation experiences.
All of our BKP upgrading series are CE-approved and are manufactured in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Key benefits of Metener upgrading units
Raw biogas input:
10 – 60 m3 / hr
Biomethane output:
5,5 – 33 m3 / hr

Installed power 10 – 30 kW
Specific Energy Consumption
0.3 – 0.4 kWh / m3 raw gas
Gas energy output: 30 – 360 kW
Platform size: 5,35 m x 9,425 m
Tower height: 12 m
Raw biogas input:
100 – 150 m3 / hr
Biomethane output:
55 – 82 m3 / hr

Installed power 50 – 80 kW
Specific Energy Consumption
0.3 kWh / m3 raw gas
Gas energy output: 600 – 900 kW
Platform size: 5,35 m x 9,425 m
Tower height: 18 m
Raw biogas input:
300 – 600 m3 / hr
Biomethane output:
165 – 330 m3 / hr